Work Stress

McLean Counseling Center

Workplace Stress

When you are experiencing stress at work, it may be difficult to concentrate  on tasks, and you may have feelings of being overwhelmed and anxious. Workplace stress can be brought on by a variety of factors including excessive workloads, lack of work-life balance, low salaries, unclear performance expectations, lack of social support, dysfunctional work environments, or feeling stuck or stagnant in your position. Workplace stress becomes burnout when you no longer have the capacity to care or engage with our work.

Risks of Chronic Work Stress :


Decreased ability to enjoy your work or personal life


Undue harm to your mental and emotional health


Increased anxiety, anger, and/or depression


Increased risk for heart attacks and hypertension


Decreased self-esteem or self-confidence

All jobs cause some level of stress. But when work stress becomes chronic and overwhelming, it may be time to seek help.

Work Stress Therapy

After evaluating the types of work stress you’re experiencing, our providers will assemble a treatment plan with a variety of intervention types. During work stress therapy, we will work with you to give you the necessary tools to reduce your work stress and address its underlying causes.

Over time, our patients see reduced stress and anxiety, improved mood, and increased confidence. By learning how to navigate work stress effectively, patients feel empowered to take control of their situation instead of spiraling and giving into feelings of helplessness.

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Ph: 703-821-1073

Fax: 703-288-0767

1307 Vincent Place McLean, VA 22101

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